Vapzit Age Verification Policy

At Vapzit, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and fostering a responsible vaping community are of utmost importance. As such, we have implemented a robust age verification policy to safeguard against the sale of vape products to individuals under the age of 18, in accordance with the law established since 2015.

Purpose of Age Verification: The primary objective of age verification is to adhere to legal regulations and promote responsible vaping practices. In physical stores, we employ the familiar Challenge 25 procedures for age checks. However, for online transactions where facial recognition is not feasible, we conduct digital age verification for every new customer.

Digital Age Verification Process: Upon placing your initial order on Vapzit, we engage a third-party digital age verification provider, NA Age Verification, to validate your details, including name, date of birth, and billing address. This process involves cross-referencing your information with official records, such as the electoral register or credit records, to confirm your age.

Once age verification is successfully completed, your member account is flagged as Age Verified. Subsequent checks may be required in case of any changes to your personal details, ensuring the ongoing security of your account.

Approximately 85% of customers undergo seamless background age verification, requiring no input from you. However, instances may arise where automatic verification is not possible, even if you are above 18, due to factors such as recent address changes, marriage, or variations in name entry.


Importance of Age Verification: Age verification is critical to our commitment to responsible vaping. Vaping is intended for adult smokers seeking a reduced-risk alternative to combustible tobacco. We vehemently discourage non-smokers and children from engaging in vaping, aligning with the guidelines set by Public Health England, which states vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking.

Moreover, age verification is a proactive measure to prevent the marketing of vape products to minors, as witnessed in the USA. This initiative aims to protect adult smokers' access to safer alternatives by avoiding the need for flavor bans and online sales restrictions.

Cost of Age Verification: Age verification is a responsibility we bear as a retailer, and it incurs no cost to our customers. In the majority of cases, the process occurs seamlessly in the background, requiring no action on your part.

At Vapzit, we take pride in fostering a responsible and law-abiding vaping community. Age verification is not just a legal obligation; it is a commitment to the well-being of our customers and the promotion of responsible vaping practices.