Empowering Responsible Vaping: A Comprehensive Guide by Vapzit Founder Mark Cumming

Empowering Responsible Vaping: A Comprehensive Guide by Vapzit Founder Mark Cumming


In today's society, it is crucial to educate our children about the age limit and responsible use of vape products.

At Vapzit, we take full responsibility for ensuring our products meet TPD regulations and we have age verification on our site which is set at 21 to deter minors from making a purchase, also all orders are checked before they are put through.

 As we have seen there is a rise in black market vape products sweeping the country and we are committed to helping educate people of all ages about the dangers of these black market vape products. 

So with that let me introduce myself - I am Mark Cumming founder of VAPZIT and this headline has hit a strong note with me as I am a father of two young children myself and hearing the headlines about young children becoming victims of these irresponsible retailers has brought me to highlight the importance of keeping these products out of reach of our children.

Why Education is Important

Warning labels and age restrictions alone are not enough to keep our children safe from the potential dangers of illegal vape products.

By educating our children about responsible vaping, and what to look out for to avoid buying these cheap products from irresponsible retailers and back street sellers we can empower them to make informed decisions and avoid potential risks.


Working with Partners

At Vapzit, we firmly believe that collaboration is key. We are already looking to work with partners in the industry, such as local authorities, schools, and health organizations, to create educational programs that spread awareness about responsible vaping. By working together, we can reach a wider audience and have a more significant impact on promoting responsible vaping practices.

The Importance of Responsible Age and Use

It is crucial to emphasize the legal age and responsible use of vape products.

We encourage parents and educators to discuss the potential risks and benefits of vaping openly with children, in an age-appropriate manner.

By doing so, we can help them understand the importance of waiting until they reach the legal age and using vape products responsibly.

Additionally, it is essential for retailers to strictly enforce age verification measures to prevent underage vaping.

Long-Term Health Effects

Contrary to some misconceptions, there is no hard evidence to support the claim that responsible vaping has long-term health effects.

Numerous studies have shown that vaping, when used responsibly and with regulated products, is a less harmful alternative to traditional smoking.

This is why e-cigarettes and vapes were designed in the first place, too help smokers get away from tobacco but still give a gradual hit of nicotine to the body and reduce cravings and they have always been seen to be less harmful than tobacco. 

However, it is important to differentiate between legal regulated vape products and unregulated vapes, which may pose potential risks as there are no way of knowing what ingredients or the strength of nicotine which has been used in the manufacturing process. 

By educating our children on the differences and emphasizing the importance of purchasing from responsible retailers, we can help them make informed decisions.

It is strongly advised to deter our children from using nicotine based products as it is so highly addictive and it is proven that it blocks the pathways within the mind that help us to learn and create which also leads to frustration, mood swings and even depression. 

Addressing Isolated Incidents

While isolated incidents of children falling ill due to contaminated vapes have occurred, it is vital to address these issues responsibly and avoid generalizations.

It is important to note that these incidents are not representative of the majority of vape products on the market.

By focusing on education and not just FOMO, we can highlight the steps to take if our children come into contact with these situations.

B E AWARE of their surroundings

A LWAYS read the label

N EVER buy from someone on the street.

This should be the BAN we focus on. 

Also let's inform them of the importance to seek medical attention if they experience any adverse effects and highlight the importance of purchasing from trusted sources.

Furthermore, we support stricter regulations and monitoring to ensure the safety and quality of vape products.

"I strongly agree that the government should take prolific action to get these black market products off our streets and increase the fines from £2500 to £10,000 for any retailer caught selling them".    Mark Cumming - Founder of Vapzit  

Collaborating with Medical Professionals

Working hand in hand with medical professionals is essential in educating children about the responsible use of vape products.

By partnering with doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers, we can provide accurate and up-to-date information on the potential risks and benefits of vaping.

These professionals can also address any concerns or questions children may have, ensuring they have access to reliable sources of information.

Promoting Ethical Marketing

Responsible vaping also extends to the way products are marketed. Due to the ban on marketing of these products it has opened up the black market and pushed people to post on social media platforms which are less regulated.

Would you say it would be a more ethical approach to reverse this and bring froward a campaign to promoting ethical marketing practices that do not target children or mislead consumers.

We believe in transparent communication and providing clear information about vape products, including their ingredients, potential risks, and intended use. By setting high standards for marketing, we can create a safer vaping culture for everyone.

Community Education Programs

Education should not be limited to schools alone. We should all actively participate in community education programs to reach a wider audience and raise awareness about responsible vaping.

This can include organizing workshops which could rise awareness of the positive and negative sides to vaping, seminars, or even partnering with local events to provide information and resources to the community.

By engaging with the community, we can foster a sense of responsibility and promote a culture of informed decision-making.


At Vapzit, we are dedicated to promoting responsible vaping practices and educating people of all ages about the potential risks associated with illegal vape products. 

Our future outlook is to work together with partners, collaborating with medical professionals and local MP's.

Looking into ways to promote ethical marketing, and participating in community education programs, we can ensure the well-being of our children.

Let's empower them with knowledge, so they can make informed decisions and enjoy the benefits of vaping responsibly with zero nicotine.

Remember, education is the key to a safer vaping culture.

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